Friday 31st of October 2014, 9am-5pm
Chew Soo Hong, Richard Ebstein, Giorgo Coricelli, Pierre Margistretti.
La Société de Lecture, 11 Grand Rue – 1204 Genève
Entry policy
On invitation.
Friday 31st of October 2014, 9am-5pm
Chew Soo Hong, Richard Ebstein, Giorgo Coricelli, Pierre Margistretti.
La Société de Lecture, 11 Grand Rue – 1204 Genève
On invitation.
Former director of the Grand Theatre in Geneva, Jean-Marie Blanchard directed the Wagner Festival which was held in Geneva from September 26th to November 5th, 2013.
Jean Liermier has been the Director of the Carouge Theatre in Geneva, since 2008. He holds a degree from the École supérieure d’art dramatique in Geneva and made his début in theatre in 1992 under Claude Stratz, Hervé Loichemol and Philippe Morand, to mention just these three. He was assistant producer to André Engel in the Centre dramatique national de Savoie and also participated in the production of Pirandello’s Des Grelots du Fou at the Comédie Française, under Claude Stratz. Whether it be drama or opera, Jean Liermier directs the classics in such a way that they can be enjoyed by everyone. He staged The Marriage of Figaro at the Opéra national de Lorraine in Nancy in 2007, Molière’s “Médecin Malgré Lui” at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre in 2007, Le Jeu de l’amour et du hasard by Marivaux in 2008, L’École des Femmes in 2010, Harold and Maud in 2011, Figaro! in 2012 and Sophocles’ Antigone last autumn. At the moment he is directing Le Malade imaginaire at the Théâtre de Carouge.
Hervé Loichemol, né à Mostaganem (Algérie), suit des études d’art dramatique à l’École du Théâtre National de Strasbourg. Comédien, il joue notamment Marivaux, Aristophane, Musset, Shakespeare, Pirandello. Metteur en scène, il présente plusieurs pièces au Festival d’Avignon?: Vie de Gundling, Héraklès 5 et Hamlet-machine de H. Müller (1983), L’École des femmes de Molière (1984) et Lever les yeux au ciel de M. Beretti (2006). Entre 1994 et 2000, il travaille en Bosnie (Hamlet-machine de H. Müller à Sarajevo et en tournée, Quartett de H. Müller et Dans la solitude des champs de coton de B.M. Koltès). De 1999 à 2002, il est administrateur du Château de Voltaire et directeur artistique de l’Auberge de l’Europe, à Ferney-Voltaire. Il dirige la Comédie de Genève depuis juillet 2011. Il a également enseigné à la Comédie de Saint-Étienne, au Théâtre National de Strasbourg, aux Conservatoires de Lausanne et de Genève. Parmi ses mises en scène les plus récentes, on peut citer?: Les Juifs et Minna von Barnhelm de G. E. Lessing (Comédie de Genève, 2011) et Le Citoyen de D. Guénoun (Comédie de Genève, 2012), Siegfried, nocturne de Olivier Py et Michael Jarrell (Comédie de Genève, 2013), Shitz (Comédie de Genève, 2014).
Vincent Barras, doctor in medicine and historian, is ordinary professor at the University of Lausanne (history of medicine), and also teaches at the Art University of Geneva (sound theory). He has published books, essays, articles on the history and theory of the body, medicine and psychiatry, contemporary poetry and music, and has translated works by Galen, Adorno, Cage, Sanguineti among others. Among his recent publications are : Neurosciences et médecine (Revue d’histoire des sciences, 63, 2010 (ed., with J.-Cl. Dupont) ; Le courrier du corps au XVIIIe siècle (with S. Pilloud and M. Louis-Courvoisier), Lausanne, 2013 ; Maladies en lettres, 17e-21e siècles, Lausanne 2013 (ed., with M. Dinges)
24 heures
Septembre 2014
Marie-José Mondzain is one philosopher and French writer. She is also research director at the NCSR(NATIONAL CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH) (Group of political and moral sociology, French School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences EHESS). Specialist of the image, she studies the relationship with the image, whether it is the iconoclasm since the Byzantine period or its more recent works on the look nature and the way to say what we see and to show. Marie-José Mondzain also wondered a lot about the violence of the images and is interested in the contemporary art.
Frédéric Worms is a French philosopher. He is a Professor of Philosophy at the superior teachers’ training college (Ecole Normale Supérieure) where he manages the Center for the Study of Contemporary French philosophy (CIEPFC) and the Cirphles (USR 3308 ENS/CNRS) (Paris).
The work of Frédéric Worms is centered on the history of philosophy, where he is a recognized specialist of Bergson and has also developed a general hypothesis of the history of philosophy (the notion of “moment”) as applied to diverse aspects of 20th century French philosophy. Moreover, Worms has worked on general, moral and political philosophy where he studies the vital moral relations between men, including their breaks and violations, and metaphysics in morality and politics, where he consideres the particular question of care from multiple perspectives.
Marco Paolini is an actor, playwright, author and an Italian filmmaker who’s been been part of various theatrical groups. He directed and produced many creations (Two little orphans – 1984, Il racconto del Vajont 1956/ 9 Ottobre 1963 – 1990 till 2000) . In 1999, he founded the production company Jole that will become Jolefilm in 2002 and takes care of his theatrical, film and editorial projects. En 2005, Marco Paolini receives a prize for his work on memory His last theatrical productions are : tribute to Mario Rigoni Stern, with Il Sergente nella Neve (2004), La Macchina del Capo (2009) and his last show Itis Galileo (2010) referred in the Agalma show. He has been designated Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Padua.
– Professor of international relations to the Faculty of social and political Science of the University of Lausanne
– Director of the Division of human rights and peace in the UNESCO from 1980 till 1983
– Executive secretary of the Committee on the population and the quality of life in the UNESCO from 1992 till 1994
– Founder member (in 1986) and President of council of the OMCT (world Organization against the torture) until 2002, he is the author of several works concerning the ideas’s history, the history and the sociology of the contemporary international relations, in particular Yalta, on 1985; La crise des Nations Unies (1988) ; De Yalta au Rideau de fer (1993) ; Politique internationale (1992, 5 editions) ; Mondialisation, souveraineté et théorie des relations internationales, (1998, 4 editions) L’humanitaire en catastrophe (1999), Critique de la mondialisation (2003). His latest book is named Le nationalisme. Le passé d’une illusion (2010).