Imaging fantasy


Brain Mind Institute – LPSY (EPFL)


Start : 2011| End: –


This project aims at exploring, by the means of cerebral imagery technics (fMRI and EEG), the neurobiological bases of fantasmatic life depending on the analyst’s and patient’s perspectives.

Parents’ representations and signification of surplus frozen embryos


Start: 2012 | End : 2013


The new law on assisted reproduction (LPMA), entered into force in 2001, sets a maximum preservation duration of frozen embryos (zygotes): after five years, couples must decide whether they want to use their embryos for a pregnancy or dispose of them. One year prior to the deadline for decision, the research team met nine couples whose embryos were cryopreserved, in two interviews aimed at accompanying them in their decision. The analysis of their discourse reactivated in-depth questionings for these couples, and shed light on complex representations of frozen embryos.
This study was undertaken by Dominique Laufer (child psychiatrist) and Véronique Mauron (visual art historian), in the framework of a research conducted by François Ansermet (child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst) and Marc Germond (gynecologist) in the context of assisted reproduction technologies (ART). A book on the issue is in the writing, which will report the essential considerations in the discourses and the findings of the research, under the working title: Voyage en zygotie. Le devenir des embryons cryoconservés.

Motion and unconsciousness


Fondation Artanim


Début : 2012 | Fin : –


In this project, we empirically study specific factors that affect joint action tasks and/or social interaction performed by two people. To this aim, we use motion capture to obtain measurements at the behavioral level (body posture, gestures, etc.) and to identify motor synchronization phases.

Reconsolidation and somatic markers


Start : 2012 | End : –


Plasticity and reconsolidation mechanisms show that memory traces are constantly subject to remodeling. In this project, we evaluate the influence of emotions on memory traces’ reorganization.

Frontal lobe systems, brain development and plasticity


Start : 2011 | End : –


Frontal Lobe Syndrome is very seldom described in children. Extremely rare are the clinical studies that prospectively trace the evolution of the frontal systems throughout the developmental age. The aim of this project is to analyze a paediatric case of acquired extensive bilateral lesions which has been prospectively documented from childhood to adulthood. It will be referred to the contemporary debate about brain development and plasticity.

EEG on the couch


Brain Mind Institute – LNCO (EPFL)


Start: 2012 | End : –


The goal of this project is to record cerebral electrical activity associated with the psychoanalytic interaction. We aim at identifying empathic, theory of mind processing and cerebral synchronization phases.
This project represents the clinical part of the “Music and brain in unconscious waves” project.


Brain Mind Institute – LNCO (EPFL)


Start : 2012 | End : –


This conference-performance includes two movements:
A conference by Pierre Magistretti and François Ansermet around neuroscience and psychoanalysis about the enigma of creative process, especially about their unconscious side; a musical improvisation which brings into play two pianists (Orazio Sciortino and Richard Rentsch) with an EEG recording to access their brain activity in the creative process.
The signals are projected on large screens and spectators can follow, in real-time, images of the neuronal activity during this creative process.

More information about this conference-performance

Listen to the radio program “Discovery”, live at the Verbier Music Festival (Espace 2)