Vincent Barras, doctor in medicine and historian, is ordinary professor at the University of Lausanne (history of medicine), and also teaches at the Art University of Geneva (sound theory). He has published books, essays, articles on the history and theory of the body, medicine and psychiatry, contemporary poetry and music, and has translated works by Galen, Adorno, Cage, Sanguineti among others. Among his recent publications are : Neurosciences et médecine (Revue d’histoire des sciences, 63, 2010 (ed., with J.-Cl. Dupont) ; Le courrier du corps au XVIIIe siècle (with S. Pilloud and M. Louis-Courvoisier), Lausanne, 2013 ; Maladies en lettres, 17e-21e siècles, Lausanne 2013 (ed., with M. Dinges)