Prof. François Ansermet
François Ansermet is psychoanalyst, member of the School for Freudian Cause, the NLS and the World Association of Psychoanalysis. He is Professor of Child Psychiatry at the University of Geneva and Head of Psychiatry Department of Child and Adolescent (SPEA) at the University Hospital of Geneva. He is also Professor ad personam at the University of Lausanne, to facilitate developments between the University of Geneva and University of Lausanne with the neuroscience and to allow the establishment of a research program in perinatal and children’s clinic.
Since 2009, François Ansermet is the Academic Director of the University Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva.
François Ansermet’s lines of research include pre- and perinatal and early age trauma, particularly in the field of perinatal medicine and prematurity. At the same time, he works on the subjective effects of new advances in perinatal biotechnology, particularly in medically-assisted procreation, sex attribution in case of genital ambiguity, genetics and predictive medicine.
François Ansermet aims – in collaboration with Pierre Magistretti – at developping a link between neuroscience and psychoanalysis starting from the paradigm of neural plasticity.